Sunday, August 5, 2012

First love..

It was 2wks before my 18th birthday I saw u at work the first time..I thought omg is he cute, then one day your dad came to me and asked me to go out with u because u had just ended a bad relationship and he wanted you to be with a nice girl who was fun to take your mind off..immediately I knew this was my in so I went and talked to you and the next thing I knew we were hangin out n having a great time.. You were sweet, opened my doors, anytime we went out you paid even though I always tried to, a great listener and you could always make me laugh..I told you things I had never told anyone and accepted me were everything until you went back to the ex..I was devastated and thought you were an idiot because this wasn't the first time and you guys just couldn't make it work..then she hurt you and still I was there waiting patiently for my turn and I got of the best valentines days of my life, I felt like I had just conquered the world and kissing you was like flipping on a switch and I was on was great until you got ready to leave for the summer and decided to end it the way your ex ended your relationship and you hurt was the first time I ever felt like my heart had been ripped out of my were such a great guy and made such an impact that I kept my heart from you and quite a few was the beginning of the string of heartbreaks I would deal with because I kept comparing the way they treated me to you, the good parts only of course..I don't kno what I did wrong but it changed the rest of my life for the better, I knew there was men that would treat me the way I deserved and accept me for me..

You're married now with an adorable little boy and I'm happy for you but I will never forget the amazing time we had together :)