Thursday, July 26, 2012


I remember everything like it was yesterday..I was pissed because u just walked in like the boss but u hadn't been around but a few months..I was running this because the last loser kept around past his expiration left shit in shambles and since I was the only one ever home I was left in charge at my young age..what u saw? A threat to what u had in mind housed in the body of a teenager, a mean attitude that had everyone runnin scared..what did u do? Tried befriending since I surely wasn't gonna let u in charge without testing u..letting me do shit I had no business doing and if I wasnt so mad at shit I wouldn't have fell for it but I just didn't give a fuck..u got lucky cause the relationship with her wasn't there and u knew she had dealt with this shit when she was younger so u used that against forward to when u decided to attack..u stole my innocence, broke my spirit and made me ashamed of being a beautiful strong girl and never trust a man or my family took me years of therapy, after I gave into the depression, denial, broken relationships with those I was trying to protect by making the decision I did to finally have some peace of mind..I finally feel confident in myself, I've found my strength, repaired slowly one of the most important bonds and gained the understanding and maturity very few will ever be able to comprehend.. What u did to me brought me to the lowest I have ever been but look at me now..I'm successful, educated, stronger than I have ever been with a spirit no man will ever break again..I've forgiven u but I will never ever be able to forget what that did to me and what I became because of your need for power and preying on innocent young girls who refused to bow to your will..

Who's got the power now? That's right, me..when I see u u cower in my presence because I can break u but who am I to judge anyone when you will be dealing with the karma of this for years to come while I continue to strengthen, mature and grow and be what u never could be..

The one running shit~

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