Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wow time flies

It takes u back when u realize just how fast time has flown and boggling at everything that happened in that time. Where do I start?? There have been some more eye opening moments that have been both infuriating and a relief once I finally let them go and took the lessons. I've found out alot more about myself and started cementing the changes that I want to make. Cutting out some of the bad things and people in my life has made things much better. You really do attract people by the way you carry yourself and changing my mentality has given me a pretty awesome guy to spend time with. My family is doing as good as can be expected and I have much better relationships with them. I'm ready to start on some of my dreams of traveling and crossing off things on my bucket list. I can honestly say that as shitty as the last year was it was great as well and I'm hoping this year is just as interesting in a different way. I'm growing up and continuing to learn each day and hopefully things will start goin in the right direction rather than me turning down all these side roads. As great and crazy these distractions have been they are taking up too much of my time and life is too precious to waste or be regretful about. Here's to another new year and being grateful I've been given the option to be here another day.

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