Monday, June 25, 2012

Good week?

So, this week I'm trying something new..I'm goin to try and stay off fb since people at work think I am on fb too much and that is the reason I'm so slow. Apparently my boss telling me to slow down at our last one on one didn't register during this one. Yes I understand the work I'm doing now but if u want me to speed up I can guarantee that I'm gonna start missing shit again and we are gonna be right back to where we were a few months ago. No fb isn't interfering with my work how bored I am is.. Sometimes it's interesting and other times I want to pull my damn hair out because it's monotonous..

My challenge has began as of 730 this morning and I will let you know how it goes..


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time flies

Today I sent an email congratulating my sister on gettin her new job and it really hit me hard that she is not my bratty little sister anymore..words can't express how hard it is for me to see her as a mommy and an adult when I'm so used to her just being my little literally feels like one day she was this cute little brat who always told on me and got me in trouble and overnight she bloomed into this beautiful woman and stepped into motherhood as though she was born to be a is the most amazing thing to see and it's sad because time seriously flew before my eyes.. I am so very proud of her and all of her accomplishments and proud to be her sister..I completely understand why it's so hard for my mom to see us as adults when we are still her little baby sister is a teenager going into the 8th grade this year and I was 14 when she was born..why does time go so fast?

Everyone is starting their lives and getting married and even though I'm the oldest I feel like I'm behind..all of my friends except a few are married and have children and all I have is my career and myself..I'm stuck in a different chapter of my life while everyone else is passing by..I feel so old sometimes remembering what my life has been filled with so far and I'm floored at where life has taken me..

I'm gonna leave u with this thought, cherish every moment..don't take anyone in your life for granted and make sure to stop and enjoy those special moments with friends and family because money and work will be there in the morning, those that you love the most may not..


Sunday, June 10, 2012


So after some hiatus again, sorry about that..I finished my certificate and I've received it in hand..FINALLY.. Only 2 classes to go til the BA..however my lovely student loans have started trickling in more from my fantastically overpriced but great education at Hamline U causing me to embark on getting another job to pay for here I am, 3wks into my second job and I'm EXHAUSTED..I guess its just do what I can and not expect to have a social life anymore if I want these loans to 'magically' disappear so I don't have to think about them..I don't know why this was such a great idea but maybe it's because I thrive on stress and think that after 7yrs of working and school full time I can still handle it..I continue to forget that all the awesome sleep I didn't get a few years ago and had no issues is next to INSANITY now that I'm remembering how much older I am getting and I can't do the same things I used to without killing myself..

So, here's to lots of fish oil and B vitamins to keep me going as well as being by the pool and relaxing as nuch as i can M-F to maintain some type of sanity..

Til next time