Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time flies

Today I sent an email congratulating my sister on gettin her new job and it really hit me hard that she is not my bratty little sister anymore..words can't express how hard it is for me to see her as a mommy and an adult when I'm so used to her just being my little literally feels like one day she was this cute little brat who always told on me and got me in trouble and overnight she bloomed into this beautiful woman and stepped into motherhood as though she was born to be a is the most amazing thing to see and it's sad because time seriously flew before my eyes.. I am so very proud of her and all of her accomplishments and proud to be her sister..I completely understand why it's so hard for my mom to see us as adults when we are still her little baby sister is a teenager going into the 8th grade this year and I was 14 when she was born..why does time go so fast?

Everyone is starting their lives and getting married and even though I'm the oldest I feel like I'm behind..all of my friends except a few are married and have children and all I have is my career and myself..I'm stuck in a different chapter of my life while everyone else is passing by..I feel so old sometimes remembering what my life has been filled with so far and I'm floored at where life has taken me..

I'm gonna leave u with this thought, cherish every moment..don't take anyone in your life for granted and make sure to stop and enjoy those special moments with friends and family because money and work will be there in the morning, those that you love the most may not..


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