Sunday, June 10, 2012


So after some hiatus again, sorry about that..I finished my certificate and I've received it in hand..FINALLY.. Only 2 classes to go til the BA..however my lovely student loans have started trickling in more from my fantastically overpriced but great education at Hamline U causing me to embark on getting another job to pay for here I am, 3wks into my second job and I'm EXHAUSTED..I guess its just do what I can and not expect to have a social life anymore if I want these loans to 'magically' disappear so I don't have to think about them..I don't know why this was such a great idea but maybe it's because I thrive on stress and think that after 7yrs of working and school full time I can still handle it..I continue to forget that all the awesome sleep I didn't get a few years ago and had no issues is next to INSANITY now that I'm remembering how much older I am getting and I can't do the same things I used to without killing myself..

So, here's to lots of fish oil and B vitamins to keep me going as well as being by the pool and relaxing as nuch as i can M-F to maintain some type of sanity..

Til next time

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