Monday, April 16, 2012

What I've seen..

Since I was little I started to see just how screwed up this world has gotten and I can honestly say I'm not happy with it. Being raised in a diverse family and being around some intelligent n just plain ignorant people has been a rather interesting experience. I have been questioned about my sisters being a different color before I even understood what it meant and as I got older been treated harshly because of my color and have seen first hand black folks being disrespected because they "look" different.

I love my mother for not raising me to be ignorant and prejudice just because of the color of someone's skin.
I saw Roots for the first time when I was in the 4th grade and I was horrified. I couldn't believe that people were taken from their country and brought here in the harshest conditions and treated like savages. Even the animals on the plantations were treated better than that. What the hell was seriously wrong with the settlers that came over here that made them think that was acceptable? The one thing that irritates me the most is having someone tell me those are "your People" because I am white. No, they are not "my people", we may have the same skin pigmentation but I do not agree with anything that they did.

The one thing that people fail to understand that I learned from a lot of my classes in college is that everyone has "black" in them. We all came from a group of people that originated in Africa and from there traveled to different parts of the world. within that time their skin pigmentation changed because of the environmental conditions they were exposed to. Going from a very hot sunny climate to a milder and cooler climate caused them to adapt. Having dark skin is necessary for those in those hot climates because being darker lessens your chance of cancers and burns because the color absorbs the sun rather than deflecting it like lighter skin does. The lack of melanin present in the skin accounts for the difference in colors of humans, less melatonin/melanin the lighter the color you will be. Lighter colors burn easily because when the sun reflects off of the skin rather than being absorbed causing it to be harsher on the skin. The skin can't absorb the amounts of sun it is exposed to because of the lack of melanin causing the sun to have adverse affects on the cells and causing skin cancers. This isn't the most educated explanation but it gives you an idea of why I can't stand the treatment of others because of their skin tones.

It all comes down to this, black or white people need to stop judging and raising their kids to judge based on skin type. If you want your kids to not be prejudiced and continue the fucked up way that the early settlers started the whole white is right bullshit then stop buying into it. Stop continuing to teach your children the way the "white" people have brain washed you into raising them that another race is better than them and they won't be accepted because of their race. Anyone can be whoever they want to and do whatever they want if they work hard and fight back when people treat them with anything but the respect they deserve. They are human just like anyone else is and deserve the same treatment billy or mary sue get. I can honestly say that I have more respect for black folks then white folks because the way they see life is the way it should be. They have struggled and still fight everyday for what they deserve and white people treat life and what they have as a right rather than a privilege. Nothing in life is free and nothing comes without putting in the work to maintain it. you can be born into money but unless you have respect for it and the people who have helped your family get there you are no better than anyone else.

treat everyone with respect no matter what color they are until they give you a reason to treat them like the shitty person they may be.


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